1. afriadmin::GADM36SF
    admin levels available by country from GADM (and names of the levels)
  2. afriadmin::afcountries
    african country names and iso 3 letter country codes
  3. afriadmin::sf_af_gadm0
    africa country polygons from GADM
  4. africovid::dfhera
    subnational covid data from HERA
  5. afrihealthsites::afcountries
    african country names and iso 3 letter country codes
  6. afrihealthsites::df_who_sites
    africa healthsite points from WHO
  7. afrihealthsites::sf_healthsites_af
    africa healthsite points from healthsites.io
  8. afrihealthsites::sfssd
    south sudan health facility points from moh
  9. afrihealthsites::who_type_lookup
    lookup table to convert 173 WHO facility types to 9 broad categories
  10. afrilearndata::afriairports
    African airports
  11. afrilearndata::africapitals
    African capital city points
  12. afrilearndata::africontinent
    African country boundaries
  13. afrilearndata::africountries
    African country boundaries
  14. afrilearndata::afrihighway
    African trans-continental highway network lines
  15. afrilearndata::afrilandcover
    landcover raster for Africa, categorical, 20km resolution
  16. afrilearndata::afripop2000
    modelled population density 2000 per square km from WorldPop aggregated to mean per 20km squares
  17. afrilearndata::afripop2020
    modelled population density 2020 per square km from WorldPop aggregated to mean per 20km squares
  18. rnaturalearthhires::coastline10
    world coastlines from Natural Earth
  19. rnaturalearthhires::countries10
    world country polygons from Natural Earth
  20. rnaturalearthhires::map_units10
    world map_unit polygons from Natural Earth
  21. rnaturalearthhires::sovereignty10
    world sovereignty polygons from Natural Earth
  22. rnaturalearthhires::states10
    state (admin level 1) polygons from Natural Earth
  23. rworldmap::coastsCoarse
    A map of world coasts at coarse resolution.
  24. rworldmap::countriesCoarse
    a coarse resolution world map, a vector map of 244 country boundaries,suitable for global maps
  25. rworldmap::countriesCoarseLessIslands
    a coarse resolution world map, a vector map of 177 country boundaries, suitable for global maps
  26. rworldmap::countriesLow
    a low resolution world map, a vector map of 244 country boundaries, suitable for zooming in on regions or large global maps
  27. rworldmap::countryExData
    Example dataset for country level data (2008 Environmental Performance Index)
  28. rworldmap::countryRegions
    Regional Classification Table
  29. rworldmap::countrySynonyms
    Synonyms of country names for each ISO 3 letter country code to enable conversion.
  30. rworldmap::gridCountriesDegreesHalf
    A gloabl half degree grid specifying the country at each cell
  31. rworldmap::gridCountriesNumeric
    A gloabl half degree grid specifying the country at each cell
  32. rworldmap::gridExData
    Example half degree grid data : population estimates for 2000 from IIASA
  33. rworldxtra::countriesHigh
    a high resolution world map, a vector map of 253 country boundaries